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Get Out The Vote 2024 – Poster Gallery Submission

September 9, 2024 - November 5, 2024

Get Out The Vote 2024 - Poster Gallery Submission

Monday, September 9 – Tuesday, November 5, 2024


RMCAD Graphic Design and Illustrative Design Programs are encouraging students to celebrate the right to vote through a Get Out the Vote Poster Gallery Exhibition in the Epic Building! RMCAD will follow AIGA’s Rules on Nonpartisan Poster Design. We encourage you to submit your poster to AIGA’s National Get Out the Vote Poster Design for Democracy campaign as well as our RMCAD Gallery Exhibition. Please read the following guidelines and submit your poster before October 18, 2024.

Poster Designs should be Nonpartisan

What does it mean to be nonpartisan? To be nonpartisan means not biased or partisan, especially towards a candidate or political party. In the case of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations, it also includes refraining from “political activities in support of or opposition to a candidate running for public office.”This means that nonprofits can’t endorse or donate to candidates. It also means not using materials that reflect a preference (or distaste) for a specific political party or candidate, they must remain neutral. Nonprofit VOTE reminds organizations that just because they need to be nonpartisan, it doesn’t mean they can’t participate. Nonprofits may conduct or promote any voter engagement activity – registration, education, get-out-the-vote, candidate forums as long as it’s on a nonpartisan basis. Here is some guidance on how to create materials that are powerful, but not partisan.

Why stay nonpartisan?

In addition to it being required for nonprofits, staying nonpartisan is actually a more effective way to reach people. Have you ever felt burnt out by nonstop political campaign ads? Instead of convincing people to vote one way or another, by staying neutral, you can be a trusted messenger and your real message-the importance of voting-will come through loud and clear without ulterior motives.

Note: Partisan Submissions will be excluded from the exhibition.


  • Illustrate the importance of voting. Remember: there is power in numbers. When we vote and get our family members to vote, we can impact outcomes and change the debate. Did you know that many elections are decided by less than 100 votes?
  • Encourage people to register. If you aren’t registered you can’t vote! 36% of eligible voters forgot or missed registration deadline. Be the reminder they need so their voice can count.


  • “Telegraph” a preference. Don’t try to sneak in anything that indicates who or what you think people should vote for. Take the example below as a cautionary tale. While it is great design and provides equal space to both candidates and includes facts and citations, the language paints one candidate in a more positive light and we get the sense that Clinton was preferred over Trump in terms of environmental issues.
  • Project “wedge” issues onto candidates. An organization with a history of engagement around an issue, even a hot button “wedge” issue, may continue to engage in the issue advocacy on that topic even during election season. However, care must be taken not to use that issue advocacy as a way of informally endorsing or opposing a candidate or party, especially when those candidates have clearly distinct positions on the topic. As artists creating general use content, it’s best to simply avoid injecting hot-button issues into nonpartisan, election-related communications. Instead, stick to shared values like an inclusive democracy, healthy communities, or a brighter future.

Helpful links you could include:

Targeting individuals to get registered:

General info about registration deadlines, ex-offender eligibility, pre-registration of youth:

Submission Guidelines

  • Design your poster as 11″x17″ PDF Document. Vector or 300 ppi.
  • Save the file with your name in the filename. Example: BenjaminFranklin_Poster1.PDF
  • Submit your poster no later than November 5, 2024
  • Jillian Sinha ( any questions you might have regarding submission to this exhibition. We look forward to seeing your designs!

Submit Here>


September 9, 2024
November 5, 2024
Event Category:

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