photo of orientation

New Student Met With Welcoming Fall Orientation

RMCAD’s Fall 2014 orientation was packed with a warming convocation, campus tours, program handouts and an afternoon hailstorm that left students and faculty stranded under the program tents—allowing for some extra time to get to know one another. Orientation turnout easily exceeded previous years with more than 400 students and parents in attendance, reaffirming the fall’s record-high student enrollment.

While Friday’s orientation focused on welcoming new students and parents to RMCAD, Saturday was designated as an optional volunteer day for students to embrace the communal spirit of their school. Emily Allen, Assistant Director of Student Services, remarks “Saturday proved to be a huge success with three different community service projects occurring throughout the Metro Denver area including a mural project through the 40West Arts District, helping with foster dog transfer with the non-profit PawsCO, and volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity ReStore.”

The welcoming environment shared at orientation doesn’t stop with RMCAD’s Welcome Week. With the college’s on-campus (and online) Student Ambassador program, students are provided department-specific outreach for help with balancing courses, projects and stress. Students can learn more about upcoming Student Ambassador events, schedule a meetup with one of the ambassadors or simply drop a line by locating the Student Ambassador page on The Dome.


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