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Run The 'Rocks T-Shirt Design Contest

The American Lung Association of Colorado is hosting a T-shirt design contest for their annual Run the ‘Rocks 5k. The winning design will be printed on the front of the event T-shirt and given to race participants who raise at least $50 in pledges. The winning entrant will receive free registration to the race and a T-shirt.

Run the ‘Rocks will be held Sunday, October 12, 2014 at Red Rocks Park. The race is open to all ages and benefits the American Lung Association of Colorado.

Submissions should be sent to Lisa Behan at no later than June 20th to be entered in the contest. All submissions will be added to Run the ‘Rocks Facebook page. The three designs with the most Facebook ‘likes’ will be voted on by the event committee for a final decision.

For more information on Run the ‘Rocks 5k and the T-shirt design contest visit their Facebook page or website.


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