RMCAD Faculty

portrait of Stephanie Carlo

Stephanie Carlo, MFA

Stephanie Carlo is a multifaceted fashion designer from Puerto Rico who has made a career teaching aspiring designers. She earned her B.F.A. in Fashion Design from the School of Fine Arts and Design of Puerto Rico and an M.F.A. in Fashion Design from Savannah College of Art and Design. Her work is inspired by historical events and political movements that started with the purpose of fighting for Puerto Rico’s independence. Her focus is specifically women’s leading roles within these movements. Her professional experience and practice also includes fashion consulting, patternmaking, collection development, illustration, prints & patterns, and graphic design. She also has a background in printmaking, woodcarving and screen-printing.

Course Credentialing

FS 1000 – Fashion Industry Survey, FS 1110 – Fashion Design I, FS 1140 – Fashion Figure + Communication, FS 1320 – Technical Studio I, FS 1350 – Construction II: Draping + Drafting, FS 2301 – Fashion Design Sophomore Portfolio Review, FS 2310 – Construction III: Flat Pattern Techniques, FS 2321 – Technical Studio II, FS 2411 – Digital Design I, FS 3000A – Fashion Design Junior Portfolio Review, FS 3100 – Special Topics in Fashion Design, FS 3110 – Fashion Design II, FS 3140 – Fashion Communication + Presentation, FS 3150 – High Fashion Construction Techniques, FS 3210 – Product Development + Management, FS 3311 – Production Construction, FS 3320 – Technical Studio III, FS 3410 – Digital Design II, FS 3601 – Fashion Design Internship Part I, FS 3602 – Fashion Design Internship Part II, FS 3603 – Fashion Design Practicum Part I, FS 3604 – Fashion Design Practicum Part II, FS 4000 – Senior Portfolio + Fashion Show, FS 4001 – Graduation Portfolio + Fashion Show Development, FS 4002 – Fashion Design III + Graduate Portfolio, FS 4010 – Senior Thesis Collection

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