RMCAD Faculty

tobias fike

Tobias Fike, MFA

Tobias Fike is an interdisciplinary, contemporary artist who lives and works just outside of Denver, Colorado. He earned a BFA from the University of Nebraska Lincoln in 2000 and his MFA from the University of Colorado Boulder in 2011. Beyond teaching as an Assistant Professor in Foundations and Fine Arts at RMCAD, Fike’s work has been exhibited nationally and internationally, with exhibitions in Berlin, Germany; Coimbra, Portugal; Shanghai, China; Houston, TX; Tucson, AZ; and Chicago, IL, plus several other cities over his career. The form of his work is unusually varied, and he approaches a range of concepts, from his personal experiences of family, place, and grief, to our temporal relationship with the universe and observations of time. Fike has also done multiple national tours, showcasing his rich performance and collaboration-based projects with the Flinching Eye Collective, which was a 2014 Grantee of The Idea Fund, funded by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. Additionally, one of his collaborative works with fellow RMCAD instructor Matthew Harris is in the Kadist Art Foundation, Video Americas Collection housed, in San Francisco, CA.

Course Credentialing

FD 1020A – 2D Design: Elements + Principles, FD 1600 – Studio Seminar: Methods of Inquiry, FD 2130A – 3D Design: Space + Materiality, FD 2220 – Time-based Media, FD 2510 – Special Topics, ART 1170 – Sculpture I, ART 2000 – Fine Arts Sophomore Portfolio Review, ART 2270 – Sculpture II, ART 2400 – Form + Content, ART 3270 – Sculpture III, ART 3301 – Special Topics in Fine Arts, ART 3601 – Fine Arts Internship Part I, ART 3602 – Fine Arts Internship Part II, ART 4600 – Professional Practice, ART 4770 – Sculpture Advanced Studio, ART 4803 – Senior Studio I, ART 2100 Professional Practice Survey: Voice + Vision, ART 3100 Professional Practice: Act + Aspire, ART 1190 Sculpture: Armatures + Welding, ART 2290 Sculpture: Cast + Assemble

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