Wednesday, August 12, 2020
4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
This event is virtual and will be hosted via Zoom.
This event is a non-instructed figure drawing session open to students, alumni, and all of the RMCAD community. Hosted by the Illustration Department, this is a great way to get better at drawing. Please join us for short-pose warm-ups, and then some longer poses (undraped, female and male, photos). Be ready to share your best drawing at the end (if you feel comfortable). This event will be facilitated through a Zoom meeting that will be open for conversation & music while we draw! Virtual Sketch Night will be hosted every other Wednesday during the Summer B Term, Fall A Term, as well as 11/11 + 12/9 during the Fall B Term.
Join Virtual Figure Sketch Night Here!
Earn rewards if you check-in using the RMCAD app!