Saturday, May 16, 2020
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
This workshop will be hosted virtually.
Hosted by Heather Martinez, visual practitioner, art coach and lettering artist living in Durango, Colorado. Heather believes that what we write on the wall is more than mere handwriting – letters are the building blocks of communication.
Imagine being in a class or workshop taking notes but all the pages look the same. It’s hard to look back and remember what you wrote. What makes one line of text differ from the rest?
Learn to sketchnote! It’s a great learning tool you can use when taking notes in class and workshops, journaling vacations, and telling a visual story.
In this workshop we will:
• Experiment with a variety of materials used by professional and amateur sketchnoters.
• Adopt a fast lettering style to use when rapid capturing and vary it up to fit your style and needs.
• Practice hierarchy and page composition to help guide the reader’s eye across the page.
• Draw simple objects quickly to serve as mnemonic devices.
Have your favorite sketchbook and pens ready. At the end of the class you will gain access to online lettering resources to continue your practice!
Registration information can be found here: