
[Headline here]
Their success is your success, is our success! We want your son or daughter to succeed at RMCAD, in fact it’s our top priority!
As the parent or guardian, you have a very important role in the life of your college-bound student. With so many decisions to make and documents to get in line, it can seem overwhelming. We’re here to give you all the information you need to help you guide them in their journey to a better tomorrow.

One of the most affordable art + design colleges
Get your education without a pile of student debt
Established leader in online education
RMCAD isn't behind on the times and values virtual learning
Accredited by numerous independent bodies
Yes, we're legit
Offering more than 10 diverse disciplines in the arts
Plenty of room to explore and grow
Helping the next generation of young artists jumpstart their creative careers

Whether you’ve lived in Denver your whole life or you’re making the big move to attend RMCAD, you’re likely to fall in love with the area’s natural beauty, bountiful outdoor adventures, and incredible urban amenities. RMCAD does not currently offer on-campus housing. However, There are three Student Living options located in the Denver Metro area and that can provide a traditional college housing experience to RMCAD students.

Financing Your Future
Education is an investment and determining how to pay for college has many important steps.
RMCAD’s Financial Aid Office has dedicated professionals to help you understand FAFSA, types of aid available, tuition and fees, and payment plans.
There are several types of financial aid, including grants, scholarships, and student loans. We’re here to help you determine what your costs will be and the best plan to help you finance your future.
What are you waiting for?
Apply To RMCAD Today!
Learn On-Campus
Our incredible campus marries the historic charm of the past with the sustainable, technological advancements of the future.
Currently, the campus boasts 17 structures, 11 of which are devoted to classrooms, common areas, and other support spaces, including four galleries and ample studio spaces. Download a campus map here.
Learn Online
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