RMCAD Faculty

julia cohen

Julia Cohen, Ph.D.

Dr. Julia Cohen is an Associate Professor in the Liberal Arts Department at RMCAD. She holds a PhD from the University of Denver. She teaches composition and critical thinking. Previously, she spent the last decade as an Assistant Professor of English and Literature at Wright College in Chicago.  She focused on service-learning programming, assessment for English 101, and equitable placement program design for incoming students. Julia is also a creative writer and the author of three books, most recently the nonfiction collection, I Was Not Born (Noemi Press, 2014). Her work appears in journals like The Kenyon Review, The New England Review, Fence, BOMB, and The Colorado Review. She is an interview columnist at Tarpaulin Sky Magazine.

Course Credentialing
CW 2110 – Creative Writing Multi-Genre, EN 1110 – Composition I, EN 1111 – Composition II, HU 3300 – Topics in Humanities.

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