Wednesday, November 11, 2020
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. MST
This series will be hosted by appointment only on campus at RMCAD.
Using the Vacuform: Utilizing the Vacuform you can suck all the awesome into your work! It can be used to quickly create forms from all sorts of molds. Create multiple pieces quickly to fill your portfolio with pieces you can leave behind with prospective galleries.
Workshops will be limited to 5 people total, and is a first come first serve sign-up opportunity. All that attend workshops will have to sign up via the Facilities Scheduling Tool in the RMCAD app, follow mandatory safety procedures, as the FabLab space is limited.
– Masks will be worn over the mouth and nose at all times
– Exit and Entrance doors will be used according to their signage
– Social distancing of at least 6″ (2m) will be enforced
– If you are feeling ill DO NOT ATTEND
Earn points for rewards when you attend events and check in via the RMCAD App!