Thursday, July 23, 2020
6:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
This meeting will be hosted virtually via Zoom.

Please join us for a live Q+A session online focused on New + Future RMCAD Students. We will have the Dean of Students, the offices of Financial Aid, Student Services, Student Life, Student Affairs, the Learning Commons, and Health and Wellness available to take your questions regarding RMCAD’s recent changes made in response to COVID-19 and our planned Fall reopening of on ground classes. We support you and are looking forward to speaking with you and to seeing you!

Please send any questions regarding this meeting to Gretchen Schaefer at

Join the New + Future Student Q+A here

For details on our return to campus for the Fall- check out this link.

We're accepting applications!  No fee, Apply Today!

Classes Starting Soon!

Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Campus

No Application fee