Category: News

a student cuts a pattern

Denver Post Features RMCAD Fashion Program

RMCAD is honored to have been featured in the Denver Post for its burgeoning Fashion Design program. The article, which ran Thursday, October 16, 2014, reports on Colorado’s fashion industry at large with scoped coverage of an introductory, hands-on workshop hosted by

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an instructor lectures class

Hasan Elahi Talks Big Data, Government And Art

RMCAD’s Visiting Artist, Scholar and Designer (VASD) Program hosted Hasan Elahi as the first guest speaker in its lecture series—Identity. Drawing more than 200 attendees to the Mary Harris Auditorium, Elahi’s lecture included exploration of big data, government surveillance and

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a model being photographed lighting a candle sconce

Course Development Of RMCAD's Two Newest Programs

RMCAD’s newest Bachelor of Fine Arts programs—Fashion Design and Commercial Photography—are being spearheaded by the enthusiastic leadership of chair members Darlene C. Ritz and Randy Brown. Both come well equipped to lead their respective departments: Ritz with first-rate industry experience

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photo of orientation

New Student Met With Welcoming Fall Orientation

RMCAD’s Fall 2014 orientation was packed with a warming convocation, campus tours, program handouts and an afternoon hailstorm that left students and faculty stranded under the program tents—allowing for some extra time to get to know one another. Orientation turnout

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photo of campus exterior

RMCAD Celebrates Largest Fall Enrollment

Classes are officially underway for the Fall 2014 Semester. With more than 1,100 on-campus and online students, RMCAD’s faculty and staff are happily met with the largest student body in the college’s history. To initiate the student body to its

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a model being photographed seated in the grass

Fashion In Focus Event A Teaser For New BFA Programs

Thanks to all who attended! Catch a glimpse of the event’s highlight video! To celebrate the launch of RMCAD’s newest Bachelor of Fine Arts programs—Fashion Design and Commercial Photography—RMCAD hosted its first ever Fashion in Focus event on Saturday, August 23rd. The event

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Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design Campus

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