When it comes to college, finding the perfect match is essential. You may have narrowed down your desired degree and school location, but considering your future schedule is just as important. Instead of offering the traditional semester schedule, RMCAD offers term schedules, which include six shorter sessions. According to Rachel Walter, RMCAD’s admissions training manager, this type of schedule is perfectly catered to how creatives think and work. She answered how term schedules help students have the best college experience possible. So, let’s put the term vs semester schedules head-to-head to find out which is right for you.
Why are terms perfect for art majors?
At RMCAD, we have taken the traditional semester and broken it up into two pieces, so you only have to focus on two courses every eight weeks to be considered a full time student. Creatives think and work differently in the most beautiful ways, and it takes time and effort to produce quality work! The eight week term schedule gives you more time each week to devote to your projects and the ability to have less of a divided focus. This allows more time for assignments and projects and allows you to quickly move on to the next course.
Is this schedule helpful for non-traditional students?
Our schedules fit well into your already busy schedule because we know that you have other responsibilities that may take precedence. Shorter terms give students more autonomy over their schedule and a confidence that going back to school can become a reality and won’t remain just a dream.
Do students graduate faster than they would at schools with semesters?
As a result of RMCAD’s eight-week term schedule and the fact that our students attend year round, our students do have the ability to graduate in as few as three and a half years if they maintain a full time schedule. Most students do prefer to go part time during the summer semesters and that would make their program closer to four years in duration.
Do terms help students perform better in classes?
The genius around the term schedule is that you are completing the same amount of courses in a semester, you are just breaking it down into more digestible bites. Eight-week terms create a more fast paced learning environment compared to a traditional 16 week semester. You can be more intentional with your learning, which can give you stronger outcomes. As a full time student, you will still spend 30-40 hours a week on your courses, and you will be able to divide that time between two courses instead of four. Therefore, if you are working on a project that takes extra time and effort, it is easier to find that time to complete it.
Term vs Semester: Results
It’s clear that when it comes to scheduling, a term offer creatives many advantages over a semester. If you think that RMCAD and its term schedule is the right choice for you, contact admissions today. Check out our academic calendar to decide which start date is best for you.